• 首頁 / 最新消息 / ������������ / 108年度工業局振興計畫研究報告-食品安全文化 以行為科學管理食品安全系統

    108年度工業局振興計畫研究報告-食品安全文化 以行為科學管理食品安全系統



    台灣優良食品發展協會 國際組 徐凡珺




    Food Safety Culture

    Behaviour-based approach to food safety management

    Fan-Chun Hsu, Internationalization Division, Taiwan Quality Food Association



    A series of major food-related scandals over the past few years has resulted in a decline in public trust in food manufacturers. In response to the increasing food safety problems and to rebuild the consumer confidence in the food supply chain, the government has made a big move on improving and establishing food safety policy. While the number of food safety incidents do not seem to be reduced and it is not only happening in Taiwan but the global. Food safety experts have been studying and deeply diving into this issue and figured that just making the regulations stricter and more rigorous cannot make an effective impact on food safety. It requires a mindset and behaviour change toward food safety which that influences every individual working in the food industry to ensure the safety of the food they handle. This is the new page of food safety management system, moving from hard science to soft science. Behavioural science and social science applying into an organization’s culture will be a powerful influence which can better improve food safety worldwide. 



    108年度工業局振興計畫研究報告-食品安全文化 以行為科學管理食品安全系統

    108年度工業局振興計畫研究報告-Behaviour-based approach to food safety management

